Larsson G, Maire M, Shakhnarovich G. FractalNet: Ultra-Deep Neural Networks without Residuals. arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.07648. 2016 May 24. Link
One trend in designing CNN architecture is to employ proliferative paths. FractalNet arranges the paths in a fractal pattern.
A fractal blocks is shown below.
The fractalNet connects a sequence of fractal blocks by inserting pooling layers between the blocks.
Drop Path
It is easy to observe that there lots of paths in each fractal block. So, the authors propose a generalization of dropout mechanism for fractalNet, called Drop-Path, which randomly mutes certain paths (instead of muting connection as in dropout).
Insigh of fractal structure
The proliferative paths implicitely union a larger amount of sub-networks of various depths. To some extent, fractalNet shares the same spirit with ResNet, namely very deep network with effectively shorter paths for gradient propagation.
Viewing a fractal block along a horizontal cross-section reveals that fractalNet also shares similar spirit with the Inception module in GoogleNet.
Drop-path acts as a regulation of avoid co-adaptation of subpaths. As a result, shallow subnetworks provide a quick answer, while deeper subnetworks provides a more accurate answer. The training of fractalNet actually exhibits a lateral student-teacher paradigm, where shallow subnetworks and deeper subnetworks are implicitly coupled and share guidence information bidirectionaly.